Updated on 07-06-2024
A. Start up Kit (SUK):
SIM & Activation: 32 K to 128K Normal SIM/Micro SIM/Repluggable SIM(Normal+Micro)/Re-pluggable SIM which contains Nano SIM
a). MRP of Starter Pack in Rs. 10
b). Validity in days 7
c). Bonus Period 15 Days
Price of replacement SIMs:-
d). SIM Replacement charges in Rs. 50
B-I. Plan Voucher Premium per Minute PV- 107 FRC-108* PV-153 PV-197 PV-199 PV-229 FRC-249* PV-397 BSNL SIXER PV-699 PV-797 PV-997 PV-999 PV-1499 PV-1198 PV-1999 PV-2399 PV-2999
MRP of Plan Voucher in Rs. 107 108 153 197 199 229 249 397 666 699 797 997 999 1499 1198 1999 2399 2999
Keyword for activation through SMS ( SMS to 123) _ _ _ _ PLAN BSNL199 _ _ _ _ PLAN BSNL797 _ _ PLAN BSNL1499 PLAN BSNL1198 _ _ PLAN BSNL2999
Free Usage Allowed with Plan Voucher^
Free Voice Call (Pulse) In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Sec In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min In Min
i) On-net Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 26 days Unlimited voice any net Local/STD/Roaming including MTNL network for 15 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 45 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 30 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 105 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 150 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 60 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 160 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 215 days . Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 336 days (300min any-net voice calls in Home LSA, national roaming including MTNL area of Mumbai and Delhi) per month for 12
Unlimited Voice(Loc/STD) any net Calls for 365 days from Home LSA & National roaming Unlimited Voice(Loc/STD) any net Calls for 395 days from Home LSA & National roaming Unlimited Voice(Loc/STD) any net Calls for 365 days from Home LSA & National roaming
ii) Off-net 200 minutes free voice any-net
in home LSA and National
roaming including Mumbai and
Delhi for 35 days
Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 28 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for first 30 days Unlimited Local/STD/roaming calls for 1 month
iii)SMS(P2P) NIL NIL 100 SMS/day for first 26 days 100 SMS/day for first 15 days 100 SMS/day for first 30 days 100 SMS/day for 1 month 100 SMS/day for first 45 days 100 SMS/day for first 30 days 100 SMS/day for first 105 days 100 SMS/day for first 150 days 100 SMS/day for first 60 days 100 SMS/day for first 160 days NIL 100 SMS/day for first 336 days 30SMS per month for 12 months/365days 100 SMS / day for for 365 days 100 SMS / day for 395 days 100 SMS / day for 365 days
iv) Data (inMB) 3GB free data to be consumed
within 35 days
Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 1GB/Day for first 28 days Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 26 GB for first 26 days Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 2 GB/day for 15 days Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2 GB/Day for first 30 days Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2 GB/Day for 1 month Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2GB/Day for first 45 days Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2GB/Day for first 30 days Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2GB/Day for first 105 days Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 0.5GB/Day for first 150 days
Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2GB/Day for first 60 days
Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2GB/Day for first 160 days NIL 24 GB free data for first 336 days
3GB Data per month for 12 months/365days
600 GB High speed data (Post which
Unlimited data @ 40 Kbps) for 365 days
data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after
2GB/day for 395 days
data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after
3GB/day for 365 days
Initial Plan Validity in days 35 28 26 70 30 1 Month 45 150 105 150 300 160 215 336 365 365 395 365
Tariff Validity in days 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180 300 180 215 336 365 365 395 365
Extension of Plan Validity
Migration to Other Plan
Content Bundling  Free BSNL Tune for 35 days NIL Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES for 26 Days NIL Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES for 30 Days Bundling of Challenges Arena Mobile Gaming Service on Progressive Web App(PWA) NIL NIL Free BSNL Tunes + Astrotell & GameOn services Free BSNL Tune for 60 days NIL Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES for 160 days  Free BSNL Tune for 60 days NIL NIL Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES for 365 Days Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES for 395 Days NIL
Plan Voucher Denomination for Migratation purpose 107 NA 153 197 199 229 NA 397 666 699 797 997 999 1499 1198 1999 2399 2999
 * FRC- 108 & 249 applicable only for new activation, validity extension to be done with any other voucher.
*The Voice benefits/SMS benefits (if any) under all vouchers cannot be used for outgoing calls/SMS to premium numbers, IN numbers, international numbers and other chargeable short codes/numbers; the subscriber will be charged applicable tariffs for the same. This voucher is intended only for personal use of included services. BSNL reserves the right to discontinue service immediately in case of misuse/ fraudulent use/ unauthorized telemarketing and commercial use. Unutilized free benefits will be forfeited at the expiry of current recharge of the plan.
VAS services like PRBT, Lokhdhun etc will not be activated when Plan subscribed through Self-care( SMS to 123)
Grace Period
GP-I 7 days
GP-II 165 days
B-II. Plan Details: Premium per Minute FRC-108 PV-153 PV-197 PV-199 PV-229 FRC-249 PV-397 BSNL SIXER PV-699 PV-797 PV-997 PV-999 PV-1499 PV-1198  PV 1999  PV 2399  PV 2999
Applicability All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid All prepaid
(i) Voice Call Charges Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Sec Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs. / Min Rs. / Min Rs. / Min Rs. / Min
Pulse rate ( in Seconds) 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 1 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 sec 60 sec 60 sec 60 sec
Local Mobile^^ On-net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.02 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local Mobile^^ Off-net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.02 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local Fixed^^ On-net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.02 1 1 1 1 1 1
Local Fixed^^ Off-net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.02 1 1 1 1 1 1
STD Mobile On-net 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.024 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
STD Mobile Off-net 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.024 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
STD Fixed On-net 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.024 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
STD Fixed Off-net 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.024 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
ISD Call
Plan Details: Premium per Minute FRC-108 PV-153 PV-153 PV-199 PV-229 FRC-249 PV-397 BSNL SIXER PV-699 PV-797 PV-997 PV-999 PV-1499  PV 1999  PV 1999  PV 2399  PV 2999
(ii) Video Call Charges Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Sec Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min
Pulse rate (Seconds) 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 1 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec
Local On-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.04 2 2 2 2 2 2
Local Off-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.04 2 2 2 2 2 2
STD On-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.04 2 2 2 2 2 2
STD Off-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.04 2 2 2 2 2 2
Incoming Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
(iii) SMS
Local On-net 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Local Off-net 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
National On-net 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
National Off-net 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
International 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Delivery Report Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Missed Call Alert Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free Free
(iv) National Roaming
(a) Voice Call Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min
Pulse rate (Seconds) 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec
Local On-Net 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Local Off-Net 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
STD On-Net 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
STD Off-Net 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15
Incoming Call
(b) SMS
Local SMS 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
National SMS 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38
International SMS 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Incoming SMS Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Non- P2P SMS (From Home LSA/While Roaming ) 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Premium Non- P2P SMS
(c) Video Call Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Sec Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min Rs./Min
Pulse rate (Seconds) 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 1 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec 60 Sec
Local On-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.05 2 2 2 2 2 2
Local Off-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.05 2 2 2 2 2 2
STD On-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.05 2 2 2 2 2 2
STD Off-net 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0.05 2 2 2 2 2 2
Incoming Call 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.05 1 1 1 1 1 1
Roam free plan is not applicable in J&K State.
(v) GPRS Service
Activation Charges 0          
Monthly Subscription 0          
Volume based usage charges per 1MB in Rs.(Home Location) 25Ps/MB          
Usage charges per 1MB in Rs.(while Roaming) 25Ps/MB          
(vi) CUG Tariff under 2G/3G Prepaid Mobile Services:
Group Size Rs./Month /connection (Local CUG)
03~25 80
26 & above 60
Voice Calls within the CUG free from Home LSA.
** The extension of Plan validity of all plans is made by using any plan vouchers or STV value more than or equal to Rs.87/- (The Plan validity will be extended by STV validity). For GP2 and beyond GP2 minimum recharge of Rs.107 required to return to ACTIVE state.
Special Features:
 Processing Fee on Top-up Vouchers/C-top-up/Flexi top-up :
A nominal fee , not exceeding Ten percent(10%) of maximum retail price of Top up voucher or three(3) rupees , which ever is less, will be levied.
For International Roaming Service Details : click
C-I. Details of Special Tariff Vouchers (STVs)
a) Voice STVs
MRP(Rs.) Feature Of The Voucher Validity Keyword for activation through SMS to 123)
18  Unlimited voice calls + U/L Data with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 1GB/day 2 Calendar Days STV COMBO18
59  Unlimited voice calls + Data 1 GB/day 7 Calendar Days
99  Unlimited voice calls (local/STD) any net in Home LSA and national roaming 17 Calendar Days STV VOICE99
319 Unlimited voice calls (local/STD)any net in Home LSA and national roaming+ 300 SMS+ 10GB Data 65 Calendar Days STV COMBO319
439 Unlimited voice calls + 300 SMS 90 Calendar Days STV VOICE439
b) Rate Cutter/Volume based/Combo Voice STVs
MRP(Rs.) Feature Of The Voucher Validity Keyword for activation through SMS (SMS to 123)
88 10p/min and 30p/min for on net and off-net respectively in Home LSA and National roaming incl. MTNL area of Delhi and Mumbai. 30 Calendar Days STV VOICE88
91 Voice @15p/min, Data @1p/MB, SMS @25p/SMS in Home LSA and National Roaming including MTNL area of Delhi and Mumbai 60 Calendar Days NA
183 Local : On net calls 1ps/2 Sec, Off net Calls 1 ps/sec, STD : On net calls 3 ps/2 Sec, Off net Calls 2 ps/sec in Home LSA and National roaming incl. MTNL area of Delhi and Mumbai. 84 Calendar Days NA
Note:The STV will be valid till 23:59 hours of the calendar day of activation, irrespective of time of Recharge during the day
(c) Combo Vouchers
MRP(Rs.) Feature Of The Voucher Validity Keyword for activation through SMS (SMS to 123)
209 Local/STD any net in Home LSA and National roaming incl. MTNL area of Delhi and Mumbai at 1 ps per 2 sec + Rs25 talk value in main Account 84 Calendar Days NA
239 Unlimited voice calls Local/STD/Roaming incl. MTNL network+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 2GB/day+ 100 SMS/day+ Bundling of Challenges Arena Mobile Gaming Service on Progressive Web App (PWA) by M/s Onmobile Global Limited + Rs.10/- talkvalue in Main balance.

1 Month NA
247 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming voice calls+50GB Data at high speed (Post which unlimited @ 40 Kbps)+100 SMS/day+PRBT+ Rs.10/- talkvalue in Main balance. 30 Calendar Days NA
MRP(Rs.) Feature Of The Voucher Validity Keyword for activation through SMS (SMS to 123)
65 i) Voice calls @0.49/min to Malaysia
ii) Voice calls @Rs.1.49/min to Bangladesh, Canada, USA and Singapore
iii) Voice calls @Rs.2.49/min for Hong Kong.
iv)Voice calls @Rs.2.99/min to China and kuwait.
v) Voice calls @Rs.9.49/min to Bahrain
vi) Voice calls @9.99 for Sauidi Arabia
vii) Voice calls @11.49 for UAE
viii) International SMS to these countries @ Rs.4/SMS.
This STV will be available in BSNL Home PLMN and national roaming in BSNL network only. However, it will not be applicable in the MTNL areas of Mumbai & Delhi,
as well as the following ISD codes of USA/Canada. 1242,1246,1264,1268,1277,1279,1284,1345,1367,1441,1473,1640,1649,1664,1670,1671,1674,1684,1721,1726,1758,1767,1784,1809,1820,1829,1849,1867,1868,1869,1876.
Plan validity extension cannot be done with this voucher.

30 Calendar Days STV ISD65
* Maximum 100 SMS /day beyond 100SMS charges @50ps/SMS or As per plan charges whichever is higher.
e) Special Feature STV
MRP(Rs.) Feature Of The Voucher Validity Keyword for activation through SMS (SMS to 123)
97  Unlimited Local/STD/roaming voice calls + Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2 GB/Day +Free Lokdhun content

15 Calendar Days NA
118  Unlimited Local/STD/roaming voice calls + Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 10 GB +Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES

20 Calendar Days NA
147  Unlimited Local/STD/roaming voice calls calls + 10 GB + Free BSNL Tune

30 Calender days STV COMBO147
228 Unlimited voice calls Local/STD/Roaming incl. MTNL network+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 2GB/day+ 100 SMS/day+ Bundling of Challenges Arena Mobile Gaming Service on Progressive Web App (PWA) by M/s Onmobile Global Limited.

1 Month NA
485 Unlimited voice calls Local/STD/Roaming incl. MTNL network+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 1.5GB/day+ 100 SMS/day. 82 Calendar Days STV COMBO485
499  Unlimited voice calls Local/STD (On-net/Off-net) in Home LSA & National Roaming + Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40Kbps after 2GB/day+ Free 100 SMS /Day + BSNL Tunes+ GAMEIUM premium gaming application. 75 Calendar Days NA
599  Unlimited voice calls Local/STD (On-net/Off-net) in Home LSA & National Roaming + Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40kbps after 3GB/day + Free 100 SMS /Day + Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES 84 Calendar Days NA
f) Data STVs
MRP(Rs.) Free Data Usage Validity Keyword for activation through SMS (SMS to 123)
16 2 GB 1 Calendar Day STV DATA16
58 Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2 GB/Day.
7 Calendar Days NA
87 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming incl. MTNL network in Mumbai and Delhi+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 1GB/day. 14 Calender Days NA
94 Free 200 Mins+ 3 GB data 30 Calendar Days STV COMBO94
98 Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2 GB/Day.
18 Calendar Days NA
151 40 GB + Zing App (28 days) 30 Calendar Days NA
198 Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2 GB/Day + Lokhdhun+ Bundling of Challenges Arena Mobile Gaming Service on Progressive Web App(PWA)

40 Calendar Days NA
251 70 GB + Zing App 28 Calendar Days NA
288 Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 2 GB/Day.
60 Calendar Days NA
298 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming voice calls + Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 1 GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day 52 Calendar Days NA
299 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming voice calls + Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 3GB/Day + 100 SMS/Day
30 Calendar Days STV DATA299
398 Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 120 GB + U/L VOICE (Home/National Roaming) + 100 SMS/DAY 30 Calendar Days STV DATA398
411 Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 2GB per day 90 Calendar Days STV DATA411
788 Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 2GB per day 180 Calendar Days STV DATA788
1515 Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 2GB per day 365 Calendar Days STV DATA1515
Note:The STV will be valid till 23:59 hours of the calendar day of activation, irrespective of time of Recharge during the day
VAS services like PRBT, Lokhdhun etc will not be activated when STV subscribed through Self-care( SMS to 123).
g) STVs bundled with VAS services
MRP(Rs.) Free Data Usage + Free BSNL Tune Validity Content Provider
184 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming incl. MTNL network in Mumbai and Delhi+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40Kbps after 1GB/day+ 100 SMS/day+ BSNL Tunes 28 Calendar Days M/s OnMobile Global Limited
185 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming incl. MTNL network in Mumbai and Delhi+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40Kbps after 1GB/day+ 100 SMS/day+ Bundling of Challenges Arena Mobile Gaming Service on Progressive Web App (PWA) by M/s OnMobile Global Limited + BSNL Tunes 28 Calendar Days M/s OnMobile Global Limited
186 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming incl. MTNL network in Mumbai and Delhi+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40Kbps after 1GB/day+ 100 SMS/day+ Bundling of Hardy Games service by M/s ONE97 communications limited+ BSNL Tunes 28 Calendar Days M/s ONE97 communications limited
187 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming voice calls + Unlimited DATA with speed reduced to 40 Kbps after 1.5 GB/Day +100 SMS/day+ BSNL Tune 28 Calendar Days M/s OnMobile Global Limited
269 Unlimited voice calls any net Local/STD/National Roaming incl. MTNL network in Mumbai and Delhi+ Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40Kbps after 2GB/day+ 100 SMS/Day+ BSNL Tunes+ Hardy Mobile Games service by M/s ONE97 communications limited+ Challenges Arena Mobile Gaming Service on Progressive Web App(PWA) by M/s Onmobile Global Ltd+ Astrotell and GameOn services+ Gameium premium gaming application. 28 Calendar Days M/s OnMobile Global Limited, M/s ONE97 communications limited
347 Unlimited Local/STD/roaming incl. MTNL network in Mumbai and Delhi+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40Kbps after 2GB/day+ 100 SMS/day+ Hardy Games+ Challenger Arena games+ Gameon and Astrotell+ Gameium+ Lystn Podocast+ Zing Music+ WOW Entertainment+ BSNL TUNES 54 Calendar Days M/s OnMobile Global Limited
399 Unlimited voice calls Local/STD/Roaming incl. MTNL network+ Unlimited data with speed reduced to 40 kbps after 1GB/day+100 SMS/day+Free BSNL Tune+ Free Lokhdhun content 70 Calender Days M/s OnMobile Global Limited
769 Unlimited voice calls any net Local/STD/National Roaming incl. MTNL network in Mumbai and Delhi+ Unlimited Data with speed reduced to 40Kbps after 2GB/day+ 100 SMS/Day+ BSNL Tunes+ Hardy Mobile Games service by M/s ONE97 communications limited+ Challenges Arena Mobile Gaming Service on Progressive Web App(PWA) by M/s Onmobile Global Ltd+ "Lystn" Podcast services provided by M/s Tellyfonic Digital Media+ Lokdhun+ Zing 84 Calendar Days M/s OnMobile Global Limited, M/s ONE97 communications limited, M/s Tellyfonic Digital Media etc.,
The Voice benefits/SMS benefits (if any) under all vouchers cannot be used for outgoing calls/SMS to premium numbers, IN numbers, international numbers and other chargeable short codes/numbers; the subscriber will be charged applicable tariffs for the same. This voucher is intended only for personal use of included services. BSNL reserves the right to discontinue service immediately in case of misuse/ fraudulent use/ unauthorized telemarketing and commercial use. Unutilized free benefits will be forfeited at the expiry of current recharge of the plan.
h) Dedictaed VAS STVs
MRP(Rs.) Free Data Usage + Free BSNL Tune Validity Content Provider
23 VAS Package: 23 minutes of consultation on IVR 30 Calendar Days M/s Ubbari marketing pvt ltd
31 VAS Package: 31 minutes of consultation on IVR 30 Calendar Days M/s Ubbari marketing pvt ltd
37 SMS VAS Pakcage. Recharge through Paytm only 30 Calendar Days M/s One97 Communications Ltd
73 VAS Pakcage with SMS+ WAP (Excluding games). Rehcrage through Paytm only. 30 Calendar Days M/s One97 Communications Ltd
81 VAS Package: 81 minutes of consultation on IVR 30 Calendar Days M/s Ubbari marketing pvt ltd
Plan validity extension cannot be done with above dedicated VAS STVs.
i) Prepaid International roaming STV
MRP(Rs.) Feature Of The Voucher Validity Keyword for activation through SMS (SMS to 123)
57 STV for Activation/extension of Prepaid International Roaming . 30 Days STV IR57
167 STV for Activation/extension of Prepaid International Roaming . 90 Days STV IR167
497 while IR@UAE: Free Out going Local calls 40 Min + Free Out going calls to India 40 Min + Free In coming calls 30 Min + 100 MB Free Data 1 day STV IR497
659 while IR@ Srilanka, Canada, Iceland : Free Out going Local calls 20 Min + Free Out going calls to India 20 Min + Free In coming calls 10 Min + 50 MB Data 1 day STV IR659
898 while IR@ UAE : Free Out going Local calls 120 Min + Free Out going calls to India 60 Min + Free In coming calls 50 Min + 250 MB Free Data 3 days STV IR898
1359 while IR@ Srilanka, Canada, Iceland : Free Out going Local calls 60 Min + Free Out going calls to India 30 Min +Free In coming calls 30 Min + 100 MB Free Data 3 days STV IR1359
2199 while IR@ UAE :Free Out going Local calls 200 Min + Free Out going calls to India 200 Min + Free In coming calls 120 Min + 1000 MB Free Data 7 days STV IR2199
3495 while IR@ Srilanka, Canada, Iceland : Free Out going Local calls 100 Min +Free Out going calls to India 100 Min + IC 100 Min + 500 MB free Data 7 days STV IR3495
279 while IR@Singapore (in N/W of M/s Starhub): 30 Mins of International roaming calls include OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+ Call back to India@Rs.10.90/Min+OG Loc@Rs.4.6/Min+OG International@Rs.52.8/Min+IC@Rs.2/Min+SMS@Rs.2+Data@50p/MB 28 Days STV IR279
1379 while IR@Singapore (in N/W of M/s Starhub): 140 Mins of International roaming calls include OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+500MB data+ Call back to India@Rs.10.90/Min+OG Loc@Rs.4.6/Min+OG International@Rs.52.8/Min+IC@Rs.2/Min+SMS@Rs.2+Data@50p/MB 7 days STV IR1379
2875 while IR@Mauritius (in N/W of M/s MTML): 100 Mins of IR roaming calls include OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+50 Free SMS+1GB data+ Call back to India@Rs.15.60/Min+OG Loc@Rs.5.2/Min+OG International@Rs.52/Min+IC@Rs.11/Min+SMS@Rs.3.9+Data@65p/MB 7 days STV IR2875
511 while IR@Singapore (in N/W of M/s Starhub): 50 Mins of Out Going local, call back to India &In Coming calls+ 200 MB free data + Call back to India@Rs.10.90/Min+OG Loc@Rs.4.6/Min+OG International@Rs.52.8/Min+IC@Rs.2/Min+SMS@Rs.2+Data@50p/MB 1 Day STV IR511
2311 while IR@Singapore (in N/W of M/s Starhub): 200 Mins of IR roaming calls include OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+2 GB Free data+ Call back to India@Rs.10.90/Min+OG Loc@Rs.4.6/Min+OG International@Rs.52.8/Min+IC@Rs.2/Min+SMS@Rs.2+Data@50p/MB 28 Days STV IR2311
705 while IR@Mauritius (in N/W of M/s MTML): 30 Mins of OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+5 Free SMS+200 MB Free data+ Call back to India@Rs.15.60/Min+OG Loc@Rs.5.2/Min+OG International@Rs.52/Min+IC@Rs.11/Min+SMS@Rs.3.9+Data@65p/MB 1 Day STV IR705
3905 while IR@Mauritius (in N/W of M/s MTML): Free 1.5 GB / after free data to be charged at Rs.0.65/MB- 140 Free mins to India & Local outgoing and incoming- 50 Free SMSs.-Call back to India (Rs./Min) :-Rs.15.6/min.-Outgoing Local Call (Rs./Min) :-Rs.5.2/min.-Outgoing International (Rs./Min) :-Rs.52/min.-Incoming call (Rs./Min) :-Rs.11/min.-Outgoing SMS (Rs./SMS) :-Rs.3.9/SMS 28 Days STV IR3905
895 while IR@Bhutan (in N/W of M/s B-Mobile): 40 Mins of OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+30 Free SMS+200MB Free data+ Call back to India@Rs.10.40/Min+OG Loc@Rs.10.40/Min+OG International@Rs.54.60/Min+IC@Rs.4.10/Min+SMS@Rs.2+Data@Rs.1.30/MB 1 Day STV IR895
2895 while IR@Bhutan (in N/W of M/s B-Mobile): 175 Mins of OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+50 Free SMS+500MB Free data+ Call back to India@Rs.10.40/Min+OG Loc@Rs.10.40/Min+OG International@Rs.54.60/Min+IC@Rs.4.10/Min+SMS@Rs.2+Data@Rs.1.30/MB 7 days STV IR2895
4865 while IR@Bhutan (in N/W of M/s B-Mobile): 260 Mins of OG local, call back to India &Iccalls+100 Free SMS+1GB Free data+ Call back to India@Rs.10.40/Min+OG Loc@Rs.10.40/Min+OG International@Rs.54.60/Min+IC@Rs.4.10/Min+SMS@Rs.2+Data@Rs.1.30/MB 28 Days STV IR4865
Note:For using IR STVs Dual IMSI SIM (International roaming SIM) & Recharge of IR STV57/167 is mandatory. Recharge of IR STVs through self care works only while in India.
C-II. Details of Present Offers
Full Usage Value Offer
MRP(Rs.) Usage Value
220 220
500 500
550 550
1100 1100
2000 2000
5000 5000
Disclaimer Clause: Due to system limitation, talk value may possibly have deficit of Rs 0.0001 to Rs 0.0169 for denomination ranging from Rs 10 to Rs 5,500 during Full & Extra Talk Value Offer.
Inter circle roaming with Vodafone as VLMN in Delhi area :
(a) The BSNL customer roaming in Delhi with M/s Vodafone as VLMN will be charged as per standard roaming rates except for point no. (b) ,(c) & (d) stated below.
The rates of outgoing SMS and voice calls are as below:
Particulars Local calls STD Calls
OG Voice calls Rs.0.80 per Min Rs.1.15 per Min
SMS Rs. 0.25 Rs. 0.38
(b) The incoming voice call for BSNL customer roaming in Delhi with M/s Vodafone as VLMN will be charged @ Rs. 0.45/minute.
(c) The Data for BSNL customer roaming in Delhi with M/s Vodafone as VLMN will be charged @ Rs. 0.03/10Kb.
(d) Any Freebies available with existing PV/STV including data STVs will not be applicable for BSNL customer roaming in Delhi with M/s Vodafone as VLMN.
Automatic validity extension in Grace period
Active plans : (Except FRC-108, 249 & PV-229)
1. For customers with balance more than or equal to Plan voucher amount, Plan voucher amount will be deducted and the customer will be reverted back to Active state in the same active plan with applicable freebies and validity. (Except for Plan-997)
2. For customers with Balance less than Plan voucher amount, Rs.2 will be deducted from main balance on the second day of GP-I and the connection will be reverted to Active state for 1 day in the same active plan without any freebies.
For FRC 108 & FRC 249 : a. For customers with balance more than or equal to Rs.107 on the 1st day of GP1, Rs.107/- is deducted and migrated to Premium Per Minute plan with freebies and validity.
b. For customers with balance more than Rs.2 and less than Rs.107, on the 2nd day of GP1 ,Rs.2/- is deducted and migrated to Premium Per minute plan with validity of 1 day without freebies.
c. Auto validity extension is not configured for Plans 997, 229 and 1198 due to technical limitations.
Closed plans :
With per minute Base plan tariff:
1. For customers with balance more than or equal to Rs. 107, Rs.107/- will be deducted and the customer will be reverted back to Active in PV-107 (Premium per minute) with freebies and validity.
2. For customers with Balance less than Rs.107, Rs.2 will be deducted from main balance on the second day of GP-I and the connection will be reverted to Active state for 1 day in PV-107 (Premium per minute) plan without any freebies.
With per Second Base plan tariff:
For customers with Balance less than Rs.997, Rs.2 will be deducted from main balance on the second day of GP-I and the connection will be reverted to Active state for 1 day in PV-997 (second pulse plan) without any freebies.
VAS services like PRBT, Lokhdhun etc will not be activated with Auto validity extension facility (For PVs with VAS services)
Multi recharge at IN (1+2)                        
57 94 97 98 99 107 118                  
147 151 153 167 187 198 199 247                  
251 269 279 298 299 319 347 398                  
399 439 485 499 599 666 699 769                  
898 997 999 1359 1379 2311 2875 3495                  
Multi recharge at IN (1+1)                                    
1198 1499 1515 1999 2399 2999