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  Definition: WML is a tag-based language designed after the model of HTML for Web content. The designers of WML (and its companion scripting language, WMLScript) created an environment that demands less memory and processing power from browsers than HTML and JavaScript. WML also includes features that tailor it for the relatively small display sizes of today's wireless devices.
WML and HTML differ in significant ways. Although WML strips some features from HTML and co-opts others, WML also incorporates some powerful programming constructs not found in HTML like variables, tasks, and events. WML implements a stricter tag syntax than HTML and includes a DTD for use with XML parsers.
Also Known As: Wireless Markup Language
Related Resources:
Wireless Networking Directory
These online resources introduce the world of wireless networks including WAP, Bluetooth, and other technology and industry trends.
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)
The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) supports development of Web-based applications that run over wireless networks.
Wireless LANs (WLANs)
This page lists resource information for wireless local area network (WLAN) technology and product.

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